
Based on Will Levis, Two Potential Futures for the Titans Beyond 2024

By MIKE HERNDON, columnist

The 2024 NFL season will be an illuminating one for the Tennessee Titans. Following the rise and precipitous fall of the Jon Robinson-Mike Vrabel era, the franchise has placed big bets on Ran Carthon, Brian Callahan, and perhaps most crucially, Will Levis, as they pivot towards a more modern approach to football on all levels.

While the team will certainly say that their goal is to compete for the division title this season, the bigger picture will begin to be painted by the performance of Levis. As a rookie, he flashed enormous potential in spurts while struggling with an offensive ecosystem that was inhospitable to quarterbacks generally, much less an inexperienced one.

Will Levis
WillLevis/ Angie Flatt

However, he’ll need to show more than flashes in Year Two. Most crucially, his decision-making must improve. Ultimately, concerns around that area of his game were the primary reason for his fall to pick 33 in the 2023 NFL Draft. Callahan believes he can help Levis make that leap from a gunslinger with a tremendous right arm to a bonafide quarterback. As Rich Gannon once told a teenage Callahan, amazing throws have less to do with winning games than amazing decisions.

For the Titans in 2024, Levis’ development is critical as it will set them on one of two paths moving forward. So I want to take a look at what those two paths might look like.

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