NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- The Titans endured a great deal during Monday night's win over the Colts, plenty of it self inflicted. Of course fans remained calm and wanted to see the whole thing play out before going crazy. Oh wait, no they didn't. Which means plenty of fodder for our weekly file reacting to overractive tweets.
I am a Titans fan.. but the Titans are garbage on both sides of the ball. It's a simple fact.
— Jamie Armstead (@j_armstead) October 17, 2017
PK: There are three teams in the AFC with more wins than the Titans. Three. And only eight teams in the whole NFL with more wins. The Titans haven’t played their best yet and they are in OK shape.
The Titans aren't very good at football
Ealon Matheny (@ealon007) October 17, 2017
PK: See above.
@PaulKuharskyNFL who's to blame for bad play calling? Mularkey or Robiskie?
— Brandon (@Branchise) October 17, 2017
PK: Terry Robiskie calls the plays. Including the 72-yard Derrick Henry TD run, the 53-yard TD throw to Taywan Taylor and five third-down conversions on seven plays in the second half.