NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A nonchalant conversation between two premier NFL players and fringe one in limbo gave us a look into how things can work in the league when it comes to getting players back in the field.
On the debut episode of “Bussin’ With the Boys,” the podcast hosted by Taylor Lewan and Will Compton, guest Delanie Walker was part of a lengthy conversation about pain meds and IVs that are a regular part of NFL Sundays.
Both Walker and Lewan spoke of issues or apparent issues with IVs, which are commonly taken at halftime or before games to prevent or deal with dehydration.
“If you get a certain amount of CCs of air in your blood system… like 100 CCs will kill you,” Lewan said. “If you get enough, it will make your heart dilate in a certain way…” [Unlocked]
“Yeah,” said Walker. “I got fluid in my lungs and damn near died almost in the game… The guy just wasn’t paying attention and the fluid was out so air seeped into my…”
He seemed to be talking about a preseason game against the Raiders in Oakland in 2016.
Lewan describes the process of “burping the bag” to minimize the potential for air bubbles in an IV, and Walker goes on to describe how he got bloated and knew something wasn’t right.
Lewan suspects he had his own IV issue in the Titans' third game last year in Jacksonville. He’d been knocked out of the opener in Miami with a concussion and didn’t play Week 2. He returned against the Jaguars and was throwing up before the game which prompted him to look for help. It may have backfired.
“I got an IV and I was feeling like the only reason it might be the IV was because the way you (Walker) were telling me, shortness of breath, I could barely breathe,” Lewan said.
Compton reminded Lewan that his eyes were also “beet red.”
“I don’t really get tired during games, my conditioning is really good," said Lewan. "And so I thought to myself, ‘Something is wrong.’ I started to come back to in the second half of the game. The first half, I was all fucked up.”
Walker has long said he avoids Torodal and other shots that can help a player get through pain during a game.
He expanded on why in this chat.
“Any kind of pain pill, I’m looped,” he said. You can tell me the play and I’ll run the wrong play. …That shit made me feel like I was on crack.”