
Mike Herndon's Reactions to the Titans' 2024 Draft Class

By MIKE HERNDON, columnist

The Titans 2024 draft class is in the books, and they desperately need it to be a good one. Whether it was or not is certainly not up for judgment today, no matter how big of a business draft grades are for national websites.

However, we can analyze the players, the likely rationale behind the selections and how those new pieces potentially fit in the re-made Titans' roster.

James Williams
James Williams makes a tackle/ Courtesy Miami Athletics

My overall view of the class is positive and that should come as no surprise given the players picked, especially the first three. I wrote glowingly of JC Latham’s dominant skill set and tape here several weeks ago, I listed T’Vondre Sweat as one of “my guys” for a piece two weeks ago, and Cedric Gray is a player who I started to become very fond of late in the draft process.

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