
Model of New Nissan Stadium Makes Titans House Worthwhile

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- If you're undecided about visiting Titans House when your turn comes around or about getting on the waiting list, I suggest you go.

The centerpiece of the new Nissan Stadium experience center in Germantown is a six-foot by eight-foot model of the venue that's beyond what the team displayed at the groundbreaking ceremony, and it alone makes a visit worthwhile.

Titans House
Titans House/ Courtesy Tennessee Titans

You can see the stadium in the most detail yet, following the 63,000 square feet of patio and seeing the 50,000 square feet of scoreboards. You host can aim a laser pointer right on the seats you're considering.

It's such an impressive model they're probably going to add stepstools to allow people a better look through the top, where the translucent roof is missing to allow for a great view inside.

No photos of the model or the rest of the features inside the house are permitted, so anyone visiting gets a new and fresh experience upon his or her visit.

The suite is a 16-person suite like the one Amy Adams Strunk and her family will occupy. It feels a bit narrow, but that's partly because the seats are not there in front of the tabletop with four stools yet and the plexiglass that will allow a wide view is instead mirrored glass.

Personal-seat license purchasers will sign large, color-coded guitar picks that will be hung on a wall, and that wall will ultimately be transported to the new stadium and serve as the new founders' wall.

A few notes that may have already been known but that were new to me:

  • Every seat in the stadium will be padded.
  • There will be over 2,000 bathroom stalls, which doubles what's in the current stadium, which has a bigger capacity.
  • New Nissan Stadium will have four times as many people movers as the old building.

Reggie Polk of Polk & Associates who is involved in the construction process said the end date for the project is Feb, 2027 or sooner. The Titans are expected to play there in 2027 and the team is responsible for cost overruns.

Current PSL holders will be contacted for appointments in Titans House on a rolling basis between 2024 and 2026. The order will be determined by priority status, including current stadium seat location, to ensure that fans can be shown comparable locations in the new stadium when those areas go on sale.

New Nissan Stadium waitlist members will also be contacted in that timeframe when the seats they are interested in go on sale.

Fans can join the waitlist at newnissanstadium.com.

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