pickers vodka 847x63NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Whenever I’m asked about a fantasy football lineup choice or a game prediction, I say I don’t want to be on the hook for your loss.

Nevertheless, I do have some thoughts beyond the predictions and proclamations we make on football Fridays on The Midday 180.pickerswebimage

As part of my new relationship with Pickers Vodka, the official spirit of PaulKuharsky.com, I offer these picks:

Tampa Bay +7 at New Orleans

I’m not buying that the 5-2 Saints are this good or that the 2-5 Bucs are this bad. New Orleans isn’t beating Tampa Bay by more than a touchdown, even at their dome. There is Jon Gruden talk in Tampa. Players rally for Dirk Koetter (who I know and like).

Falcons -2 at Carolina

Atlanta has burned me as I have overrated the Falcons all year. And I've underrated the Panthers. But here’s my thinking: When I see a number and think “that’s spread is not right” things usually pan out bigger in the direction I think is not right. This spread is not right, so while the gut says the Panthers should win, what’ll happen is the Falcons will win big.

Texas A&M +15 vs. Auburn

We know I am not a college football expert. That doesn’t eliminate me from gut feelings. Gut feeling is this won’t be a double-digit game.

And my Titans-related pick:

The Titans pull in three interceptions for the second week in a row. Statue Joe Flacco, makes a bad throw or two and also sees a big hit alter a ball that winds up in the Titans’ hands. At least one will be an over-ambitious throw for Mike Wallace.

Cron Job Starts