NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Wednesday was a learning day for Titans fans. Chad Brinker spoke with the media for 35 minutes ahead of Mike Borgonzi's introductory press conference as the team's new GM.
This brand of formal, standard press conference is always a happy, uplifting, forward-looking and hopeful occasion. So even with, or actually because of, the Titans' current state, Borgonzi spun a positive outlook on what/s ahead for a team in need of a lot of change.
We moved The Paul Kuharsky Podcast up a day to discuss all we learned and you guys came loaded with questions, so I let that cover most of it while interspersing snippets of what the two top guys in the Titans front office had to say.
That covered the state of the Titans, the string of high-ranking firings, the talent requirements for some spots, the view on quarterbacks, the ideal plan for draft picks, the new player grading system, the final conversation about the front office structure, Amy Adams Strunk's continued silence, and more.
Check it out on YouTube (also embedded below) and Twitter or listen on Apple, Spotify or iHeart.
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