NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Watching Adam Humphries work, even without hits coming, I see two things:TakeALap 2

The potential for some unstoppable short game when things are well timed up and the need for the slipperiness he's proved to posses to avoid the sort of kill shots that can put a small slot receiver in danger.

We talked about both of those and more this week as he was gracious enough to Take a Lap.

Below you'll learn about him as a high school basketball player, as a tourist in Australia, his most memorable dropped pass(es), his most influential coaches, his talents as a chef and his go-tos when he uses Uber Eats.

If you've got an idea for a lap, drop a note in the comments or send me a Tweet.

If you're a baseball or softball player or have one in the family, check out Nashville Baseball Academy.

It provides professional instruction and quality workout opportunities to help baseball and softball players of all abilities achieve their dreams.



Cron Job Starts