NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Nick Vannett is listed at 6-foot 5-inches and 257 pounds.
“I don’t know where it comes from, I’ve been 6-6 since my sophomore year in high school,” he said.
He also weighs 266.
He was on his iPad, lounging on one of the locker room’s overstuffed leather chairs. He turned to the nearest Titans’ staffer.
“Hey, who do I talk to in order to update that?” he said. “Usually you add an inch, you don’t subtract one.”

As a way of touching base with everyone on the roster and checking in on something I’ve always wondered about, I asked every Titan on the 53-man roster about his listed height and weight.
I told each player I wasn’t particularly concerned with his actual weight, just with whether his listing on the roster was correct. But plenty offered up details. Many were curious about what their “official” numbers, rooting for an extra inch or hoping for a lower weight.