NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- So Vic Beasley being placed on the "Reserve – Did Not Report" list is quite curious.

And what makes it more so is that I am updating this this at 10:30 pm CT Tuesday evening -- about six hours after the Titans announced their roster moves. There has been zero indication of what's up.Beasley1

(Photo courtesy of the Atlanta Falcons.)

Not a peep for me from team sources, Beasley sources or anyone I can think of who might have had so much as a hint or know someone who might have. [Unlocked]

I don't know Beasley, haven't met him. While the Titans put a lot of guys on Zoom for the media, he's not spoken since the Titans signed him to a one-year, $9.5 million prove-it deal after a major falling out with the Falcons. 

He's got Jon Robinson's agent, Brian Ayrault, so it's no surprise that would be under wraps, at least from me and probably other locals.

But the NFL pipeline is also closed.

And it's super rare for Adam Schefter and Ian Rapoport and all the other connected reporters covering the league who doubtlessly have connections to people in Atlanta, close to Beasley and who knows where else to have turned up nothing yet.

Heck, it was big that the Titans released that Beasley didn't report before someone reported it.

If it's unexcused, Beasley's absence is costly and the Titans can't let him out of fines under the new CBA.

Unexcused late reporting for or absence from preseason training camp by a player under contract signed as an Unrestricted Free Agent pursuant to Article 9—mandatory fine of $50,000 per day.

Beasley could have told Mike Vrabel and Robinson something was up and be at the facility for his first COVID-19 test Wednesday after a one-day icon 114x114 precomposed

That seems like something Vrabel could have and would have mentioned, however,  at the end of his Zoom press conference when he told us Jayon Brown was on the PUP list and Isaiah Wilson was on the COVID-19 list without taking any questions.

If it's something neat, clean and uncomplicated then one of the people in the know could have, and I think would have, slid it to a reporter for a tweet. Two hundred-eighty characters or less and everyone would have moved on for at least a while.

It's exceedingly rare that it doesn't happen that way. It leads me to suspect it is not neat, clean and uncomplicated though for the Titans' sake I hope I am wrong.

I will now resume nagging sources and checking Twitter. 

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